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What  we Believe:

We believe that the Bible is true, trustworthy, and timeless.

Because of this, we aim to create resources to help you to discover and love God's Word.

We believe that God's Word is about our relationship with the creator. 

It guides us to a deeper knowledge & understanding of Him.

how it all started

Hi there, 

let me tell you how this crazy journey began.


I guess it all started from a bit of frustration. I was on the hunt for Bible Tabs but could not find anything worth my liking. Faced with the frustration of not finding what I wanted locally and dealing with sky-high shipping costs from overseas, I decided to take matters into my own hands.


Starting from scratch, i crafted prototypes using printed paper and double-sided tape, progressing from hand-cut designs to the finesse of a machine cutter on sticker paper. With a little help from my husband's family in the printing biz, and a fair share of trial and error (and maybe a few delightful typos), our first batch of Bible Tabs was born.


We started small, selling to friends and family, and then took our show on the road to different markets. Turns out, there's a real hunger for Scripture-based goodies out there! Since those early days, our mission has remained the same. We're all about creating products that not only look good but also make diving into God's Word easier.


Since then our sole dedication has been to create beautiful and functional products that truly reflect the beauty of God's Word. We believe that something as simple as Faith focused stationary can point our focus to the Word of God. We believe that inspirational decor can serve as a daily reminder of how good our Heavenly Father is. We believe that by creating functional products we could get people excited to spend more time in the Word of  God.  

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